The worst data gathering experience imaginable...

AdvisorTech Insider: Daily Insights for Modern Financial Advisors

Imagine with me…

The very worst data gathering experience possible.

You’re in the desert. There’s no water in sight. You have a stick. The only way to get out is to…

Fill-out-some-share-repurpose-paperwork-for-an-alternative-REIT. But there isn’t paper. Just hot sand - you have to write out every letter in the sand. And somehow you’ve got to get a medallion stamp. In the desert.

But wait…

The next re-purchase period isn’t for several months. So basically…

…No data is getting gathered.

Not so far off from real life. 😅

Enter PreciseFP. The leader in secure-but-not-too-painful data gathering for advisors.

So that’s great to know. Lots of other advisors (multiple 1,000s) are successfully using PreciseFP to collect data from their prospects/clients.

But now you need to see it for yourself, trial it, test it out. But who has the time?

That’s why I do my best to make it easy (not like getting a medallion stamp in the desert).

You could:

Visit the website:

Start a 14-day free trial:

But it’s still just a little too overwhelming…

You could join a peer community:

You could call a friend (that’s using PreciseFP).


You could hire someone to set it up for you.

You know for certain that if you set it up, integrated your CRM, implemented it into your operations… it would save a lot of time and headache.

But who has the time?

What’s the old axiom?

Spend time to make time?

If you haven’t yet, try it out.


It has a badge:

*PreciseFP is a sponsoring partner of ProAdvisorSuite.


or to participate.