Meet Forms Logic - a data transportation company

Advisortech Insider: Daily Insights for Modern Financial Advisors

Happy Wednesday!

A few weeks ago I posted about Data. Which system should be the gold standard - have the most accurate data to be relied upon.

Most think this should be the CRM.

But if you’d assessed as many CRMs as I have, you know THAT data ain’t accurate at all - in most cases.

So “in most cases”, where is the MOST accurate data?

It’s on the last best form.

So what if you could capture all that data on the last best form, store it, and then move it where it needs to go?

That’d be nice. And that’s what Forms Logic does:

Announcing Forms Logic as a new vendor partner:


  • Captures data

  • Puts it on forms (they have 10s of thousands of these)

  • Sends for signature

  • Returns the forms to the back office for processing

  • Then sends to the custodian / insurance co.

Some people call this a workflow.

I think if you need a better process for this, you’ll know. And if you’re interested in capturing data from your last best forms, you’ll know.

And if you know, check out Forms Logic.

If you don’t know, check out 


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